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We are Hiring!
We are hiring a Landscape Designer to join our growing design firm! This position is for immediate hire. Secret Garden Landscapes is a...

How a Country Club Backyard was Transformed into an Inviting Family Gathering Spot
Our clients had lived in this country club home for years. They had considered moving but, in the end, decided to stay in their home and...

Got Pumpkin? 6 Innovative Ways to Reuse Them
As thoughts of Christmas holidays begin to abound, changing out our fall decoration begins. This year instead of throwing away your porch...

Kid's Corner: Making Pine Cone Bird Feeders
Wintertime is one of the best times of the year to watch birds. With the leaves gone from deciduous trees and shrubs, birds are more...

Plant Spring Bulbs Now
Bulbs are the first signs of spring and always make me smile when I see them popping up around my town and in my garden. They provide...

Non-profit Highlight : Cal-IPC
Cal-IPC stands for California Invasive Plant Council and it is focused on "protecting California's environment and economy from invasive...

Kitchen Corner: What To Do With Extra Zucchini
Every summer, I love to grow lots of zucchini. I love their big leaves, big flowers and even bigger fruits that grow (yes even though...

From Unused Pool to Backyard Entertaining At Its Best
When thinking of your current yard, you really need to think about whether the current layout really works for you and your family. For...

Everyone Can Have a "Green Thumb" & Here's How
There have been countless times when I have met with a client or been introduced to someone as a landscape designer and the first thing...

Nonprofit Spotlight: Nature Conservancy
For most people, I bet you have heard about the nature conservancy but may not know exactly what they do. “The Nature Conservancy is a...

Small Yard, Big Style
This small townhouse yard felt cramped and my clients were embarrassed to have guests over. Uneven concrete, awkward planting beds, and a...

Nonprofit Highlight : California Native Plant Society
(CNPS) has a mission "to conserve California native plants and their natural habitats, and increase understanding, appreciation, and...

How DIY Homeowners Can Avoid Making Costly Outdoor Landscaping Mistakes
Over the years I have worked with numerous partial or full DIYers on planning out their outdoor projects. I have seen areas where they...

Kid's Corner: Growing Microgreens
Microgreens are: Easy & Fast to Grow! Add a Sweet or Savory Taste to Any Dish Rich in Nutrients I have grown microgreens with the kids...

Nonprofit Spotlight: Xerces Society
The Xerces Society ( , IG@xercessociety) is a 50 year old nonprofit organization that "protects the natural world...

A Swiss Chard Recipe That Even Kids Will Eat
Surprisingly this recipes is one of my kids favorite. Not only is it a great way to get them to eat their veggies but it is also quick...

California Casual Backyard Transformation
When I visit a client's yard for the first time, I always get excited about the potential of the outdoor space. So many ideas swirl in my...

Kid's Corner: Participate in Great Backyard Bird Count
January 5th marks National Bird Day. January is a great time to begin to observe birds in your very own backyard. Birds are pretty active...

Nonprofit Spotlight: The National Audubon Society
Non-profit Highlight - National Audubon Society IG @audubonsociety The National Audubon Society's "mission is to...

3 Simple Garden Activities You Can Do Now to Improve Your Life
As we slide into the new year, here are some simple and easy things you can do in the garden to improve your life. Start an Edible Garden...
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