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How DIY Homeowners Can Avoid Making Costly Outdoor Landscaping Mistakes
Over the years I have worked with numerous partial or full DIYers on planning out their outdoor projects. I have seen areas where they...

Kid's Corner: Growing Microgreens
Microgreens are: Easy & Fast to Grow! Add a Sweet or Savory Taste to Any Dish Rich in Nutrients I have grown microgreens with the kids...

Nonprofit Spotlight: Xerces Society
The Xerces Society ( , IG@xercessociety) is a 50 year old nonprofit organization that "protects the natural world...

A Swiss Chard Recipe That Even Kids Will Eat
Surprisingly this recipes is one of my kids favorite. Not only is it a great way to get them to eat their veggies but it is also quick...

California Casual Backyard Transformation
When I visit a client's yard for the first time, I always get excited about the potential of the outdoor space. So many ideas swirl in my...
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